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    $num=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=40 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num1=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid not in(40,43) and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num2=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=43 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $listtemp='
  • '.$num1['num'].'条 新闻 | '.$num['num'].'条 财报 | '.$num2['num'].'条 人事 |
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  • '.$num1['num'].'条 新闻 | '.$num['num'].'条 财报 | '.$num2['num'].'条 人事 |
  • '; $num=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=40 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num1=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid not in(40,43) and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num2=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=43 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $listtemp='
  • '.$num1['num'].'条 新闻 | '.$num['num'].'条 财报 | '.$num2['num'].'条 人事 |
  • '; $num=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=40 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num1=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid not in(40,43) and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num2=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=43 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $listtemp='
  • '.$num1['num'].'条 新闻 | '.$num['num'].'条 财报 | '.$num2['num'].'条 人事 |
  • '; $num=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=40 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num1=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid not in(40,43) and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num2=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=43 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $listtemp='
  • '.$num1['num'].'条 新闻 | '.$num['num'].'条 财报 | '.$num2['num'].'条 人事 |
  • '; $num=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=40 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num1=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid not in(40,43) and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num2=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=43 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $listtemp='
  • '.$num1['num'].'条 新闻 | '.$num['num'].'条 财报 | '.$num2['num'].'条 人事 |
  • '; $num=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=40 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num1=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid not in(40,43) and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num2=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=43 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $listtemp='
  • '.$num1['num'].'条 新闻 | '.$num['num'].'条 财报 | '.$num2['num'].'条 人事 |
  • '; $num=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=40 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num1=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid not in(40,43) and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num2=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=43 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $listtemp='
  • 科华数据股份有限公司前身创立于1988年,是国家认定企业技术中心、国家火炬计划重点项目承担单位、国家高新技术企业、国家技术创新示范企业和全国首批“两化融合管理体系’贯标企业,服务全球100多 个国家和地区的用户。 科华数据立足电力电子核心技术,融合人工智能、物联网前沿技术应用,致力于将‘数字化和场景化的智慧电能综合管理系统"融入不同场景,提供稳定动力,支撑各行业转型升级,在数据中心、智慧电能以及新能源三大领域,为政府、金融、工业、通信、交通、互联网等客户提供安全、可靠的智慧电能综合管理解决方案及服务。 科华数据股份有限公司继续保持在工商银行、农业银行、中国银行、建设银行、平安银行、招商银行、民生银行等银行的目标入围,和通讯行业中国移动、中国联通、中国电信的电源设备选型入围。
    '.$num1['num'].'条 新闻 | '.$num['num'].'条 财报 | '.$num2['num'].'条 人事 |
  • '; $num=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=40 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num1=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid not in(40,43) and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num2=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=43 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $listtemp='
  • '.$num1['num'].'条 新闻 | '.$num['num'].'条 财报 | '.$num2['num'].'条 人事 |
  • '; $num=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=40 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num1=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid not in(40,43) and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num2=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=43 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $listtemp='
  • '.$num1['num'].'条 新闻 | '.$num['num'].'条 财报 | '.$num2['num'].'条 人事 |
  • '; $num=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=40 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num1=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid not in(40,43) and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num2=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=43 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $listtemp='
  • '.$num1['num'].'条 新闻 | '.$num['num'].'条 财报 | '.$num2['num'].'条 人事 |
  • '; $num=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=40 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num1=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid not in(40,43) and com_id='$r[id]'"); $num2=$empire->fetch1("select count(*) as num from {$dbtbpre}ecms_cn_news where classid=43 and com_id='$r[id]'"); $listtemp='
  • '.$num1['num'].'条 新闻 | '.$num['num'].'条 财报 | '.$num2['num'].'条 人事 |
  • ';