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展会直击 | 萨科特5.2H-E130展台,工商储新品强势吸睛

来源:碳索储能网整理   发布时间:2024-06-15 07:57:58

6月13日-15日,万众瞩目第第十七届(2024)国际太阳能光伏与智慧能源(上海)大会暨展览会在上海国际会展中心正式开启。萨科特携新品农业光伏组件,重磅N型系列组件,全系储能产品和领先的解决方案亮相5.2H馆 E130展位,向来自全球的客户及合作伙伴展示萨科特新能源在光储领域的硬实力。

From June 13th to 15th, the much-anticipated SNEC PV+ 2024 was officially opened at the NECC (Shanghai). Sunket brought new AGRI PV Modules, heavyweight N-type series modules, a full range of energy storage products and leading solutions to booth 5.2H-E130. demonstrating Sunket New Energy's hard power in the field of optical and storage to customers and partners from around the world.

光储同行,闪耀SNEC PV+ 2024

5.2H馆 E130展位上,萨科特的销售人员细心为客户讲解,优质的产品和专业服务让客户频频点赞。现场亮点多多,让我们一起来看看吧。此次展会萨科特带来了182mm 320W 农光互补组件,182mm 580W TOPCon双玻组件,390W RAL8001 赭石棕色TOPCon组件 ,210mm 720W N型HJT异质结高效光伏组件,70W-135W光伏瓦产品5-16kWh户用低压壁挂式储能电池,9-30kWh户用高压堆叠式储能电池,高性能储能逆变器,工商业储能电池,BIPV等产品。许多客户对萨科特产品表现出了浓厚的兴趣,纷纷驻足咨询。

At booth E130 in Hall 5.2, Sunket's sales staff carefully explained to customers, and customers praised the high-quality products and professional services. There are many highlights on the scene, let's take a look. At this exhibition, Sunket brought 182mm 320W AGRI PV modules, 390W RAL8001 Terractotta TOPCon PV modules, 182mm TOPCon Red PV modules, 210mm 720W N-type HJT heterojunction high-efficiency PV modules, 70W-135W tile products,5-16kWh household low-voltage wall-mounted energy storage batteries, 9-30kWh household high-voltage stacked energy storage batteries, C & I energy storage inverters, industrial and commercial energy storage batteries, BIPV and other products Many customers showed great interest in Sunket products and stopped to consult.



The household energy storage system is still stable. On the basis of high performance and high efficiency, it can be easily integrated into the home decoration environment through excellent industrial aesthetic design. It has an intelligent BMS battery management system to improve battery utilization, prevent over-charging and over-discharging of the battery, and extend the battery life. At the same time, it has a wireless Bluetooth communication function, which enables users to monitor the operating status of the product on their mobile phones, effectively solving the problem of local energy supply difficulties.

碳索储能网 https://cn.solarbe.com/news/20240615/89593.html


6月13日-15日,万众瞩目第第十七届(2024)国际太阳能光伏与智慧能源(上海)大会暨展览会在上海国际会展中心正式开启。萨科特携新品农业光伏组件,重磅N型系列组件,全系储能产品和领先的解决方案亮相5.2H馆 E130展位,向来自全球的客户及合作伙伴展示萨科特新能源在光储领域的硬实力。




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