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共话能源转型 海辰储能出席BNEF纽约峰会

来源:碳索储能网整理   发布时间:2024-04-19 06:01:40

4月16日-17日,彭博新能源财经纽约峰会(BNEF Summit New York)在美国纽约举行,来自能源、技术和金融等领域的行业专家、金融投资机构、设备制造企业等重量级嘉宾就能源议题展开对话。海辰储能受邀出席与BNEF联合主办的圆桌对话并围绕“新一代储能电池系统: 前沿技术趋势及其对项目经济性的影响”主题,与现场嘉宾共同探讨储能未来发展趋势,同时分享海辰储能在产品技术创新、全球应用实践、国际化发展等方面的举措和成果,为全球能源绿色转型提供海辰思路。

BNEF是全球专业的能源研究与资讯供应商,BNEF Summit是其举办的系列高端能源峰会之一,旨在深入探究能源系统变革及其背后的推动因素,共商低碳未来发展路径。



在圆桌对话中,海辰储能美国区应用工程总监Neil Bradshaw表示,未来储能技术发展趋势将包括更大的电池单元、更高能量密度的系统、更长的电池寿命、更安全的设计以及更低的交付成本。他提到,海辰储能专注储能领域,完整布局产业链生态,坚持储能关键技术革新与应用创新;其基于高安全、长寿命、高能效、极致成本等维度,从材料、电池到系统的研发设计和制造,不断迭代推出280Ah、314Ah等电力储能专用电池,φ64大圆柱户用储能专用电池,MIC 1130Ah长时储能专用电池,以及HiTHIUM ∞ Block系列液冷储能等产品方案,持续为全球客户提供更专业、更适应本地化需求的创新产品和服务。

Neil Bradshaw谈到,海辰储能正全力推进国际化发展,其产品实力和品牌价值备受全球客户信赖。就在近期,海辰储能连续获评BNEF 2024第一、二季度全球Tier1一级储能厂商和“2023年储能电池可融资性榜单”中国企业Top 5。同时,海辰储能还与慕尼黑再保险公司签署了最长15年的储能系统保险服务协议,为全球客户提供更加安全可靠的服务保证。这些认可,提升了海辰储能的品牌公信力和市场竞争力。目前海辰储能产品已应用于北美、欧洲、南亚等全球多个国家和地区,截至2024年3月,全球交付项目数量累计超200个,其产品能力获得全球客户的认可和青睐。


From April 16th to 17th, the BloombergNEF New York Summit (BNEF Summit New York) was held in New York, USA. Industry experts, financial investment institutions, and equipment manufacturing companies from the energy, technology, and finance sectors discussed energy issues. HiTHIUM was invited to host a roundtable talk with BNEF on the topic of "Next Generation Battery Energy Storage System: Latest Technology Trends and Impact on Project Economics." to discuss the future development trends of energy storage with on-site guests, shared some of HiTHIUM's product technology innovations, global application practices, and international development for global energy green transformation.

BNEF Summit New York

BNEF is a global energy research and information provider. The BNEF Summit is one of a series of professional energy summits held by it. The BNEF Summit's objectives are to generate ideas and explore the changes in the energy system and the driving factors behind them, as well as to discuss the development path of a low-carbon future.

Neil Bradshaw, HiTHIUM Director of Application Engineering in the Americas, discussed the main trends in energy storage technology at the roundtable. He noted that the industry will have larger batteries, more energy-dense systems, longer battery life, safer designs, and lower delivery costs. Bradshaw said HiTHIUM is a company focused on energy storage. He also talked about the company's commitment to innovation in energy storage products including 280Ah and 314Ah battery cells for utility-scale storage, the φ64 large cylindrical residential energy storage battery, and the HiTHIUM ∞Block series liquid-cooled energy storage products. Furthermore, the latest products and solutions, such as the MIC 1130Ah, the first kAh-level battery for long-duration energy storage, will continue to provide global customers with innovative products and services to meet the local needs.

Neil Bradshaw was speaking

Neil Bradshaw mentioned that HiTHIUM is dedicated to global development and its products are trusted worldwide. Just recently, HiTHIUM has been ranked as a global Tier 1 energy storage manufacturer in the BNEF 2024 1Q and 2Q reports, and as one of the Top 5 manufacturers of bankable batteries from China. At the same time, HiTHIUM also signed an energy storage system insurance service agreement with Munich Re for up to 15 years to provide global customers with a more secure and reliable service guarantee. These recognitions have enhanced the brand credibility and market competitiveness of HiTHIUM. HiTHIUM products are used in many countries, including North America, Europe, South Asia, and more. As of March 2024, HiTHIUM has launched over 200 delivery projects and its products are in demand around the world.

HiTHIUM's mission is to "Let green energy benefit all." To achieve this, we are committed to being customer-centric,investing in deepening energy storage technology innovation, creating energy storage product solutions and services that meet the needs of different customer scenarios, and providing customers with higher and more stable long-term value.

碳索储能网 https://cn.solarbe.com/news/20240419/88386.html


4月16日-17日,彭博新能源财经纽约峰会(BNEF Summit New York)在美国纽约举行,来自能源、技术和金融等领域的行业专家、金融投资机构、设备制造企业等重量级嘉宾就能源议题展开对话。海辰储能受邀出席与BNEF联合主办的圆桌对话并围绕“新一代储能电池系统: 前沿技术趋势及其对项目经济性的影响”主题,与现场嘉宾共同探讨储能未来发展趋势,同时分享海辰储能在产品技术创新、全球应用实践、国际




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